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Optimize your fertility and balance your hormones naturally through diet and lifestyle! There's another way!

Let me abide with you on this journey


Personalized Nutrition Coaching for Spiritually Driven Women   

Are you desiring to become pregnant in the next 3-6 months, experiencing infertility, PCOS, or other hormonal imbalances? It's time to take your nutrition and lifestyle seriously to optimize your health and set your body up for the best fertility outcomes possible if desired.


No more guessing or becoming overwhelmed by all the information on the internet. I have been in your shoes and have done the research to help you.


What if I told you it's possible to conceive naturally without harsh fertility drugs leaving you with unwanted side effects AND balance hormones without medication.


 I am on a mission to bring hope and help spiritually driven women conceive naturally and balance hormones through diet and lifestyle. 

"Abide with me and I with you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide with me." -John 15:4



My husband and I are rejoicing for you! You are such a sign of God's love and faithfulness to us. 


Courtney taught me balance is key. She helped us set up attainable goals that worked for us. Courtney was also able to help keep our spirits up during our time of infertility and even after achieving pregnancy as we experienced the highs and lows of the journey.


I have experienced less cravings, have more energy, and feel less hungry throughout the day since working together. I also feel more confident in my food choices. 

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Hi, I am Courtney, a Fertility and Hormone Registered Dietitian on a mission to help spiritually driven women conceive and balance their hormones naturally. Infertility and Hormone Imbalances are very close to my heart as my husband and I have experienced secondary infertility and I have PCOS.


As a Registered Dietitian, I take a whole body approach and try to get to the root of your fertility/hormone problems. Then I give you a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan to help you optimize fertility and health.


There is so much hope for you and I am here with you on the journey.

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